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LLC In Louisiana

LLC In Louisiana
4/20/2010 12:00 AM

Sell on Ebay.. do i need an llc?   Not necessarily but you need a business license and a dba if you use a name other than the llc name or your legal name to do business...You also need a sales tax id.

The formation of an LLC is the designation of a name for your business, and the agreement in principle and eventually in law upon a system of rules and procedures for your LLC to operate by so as to satisfy the states requirement for fiduciary honesty and responsibility in all coporate entities.

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 Forming an LLC in Louisiana is much the same as any other state. Determine the nature of your LLC, rules, bylaws, form, members and the like, write it up in an agreement, determine a name, and then pfile it with the office of the Secretary of State. In simple, but the system is more complex.

A Louisiana LLC can be filed in any of the following ways as listed under Title 12:

RS 12:2

§2.  Filing methods

A.(1)  The secretary of state may accept any filing, authorized by this Title, by electronic or facsimile transmission.  All electronic filings authorized by this Title shall include an electronic or digital signature.

(2)  "Digital signature" means a type of electronic signature that transforms a message using an asymmetric crypto system such that a person having the initial message and the signer's public key can accurately determine:

(a)  Whether the transformation was created using the private key that corresponds to the signer's public key.

(b)  Whether the initial message has been altered since the transformation was made.

(3)  "Electronic signature" means an electronic sound, symbol, or process attached to or logically associated with a record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record.

B.  A facsimile filing, the process of transmitting printed documents by electronic method to the secretary of state, is deemed to be properly signed when the document received by a facsimile machine or document image attachment in e-mail in the commercial division, office of the secretary of state, purports to be a copy of the original document, and contains the signatures required by this Section.

C.(1)  Internet filing.  The secretary of state is authorized to implement and establish procedures and systems for secure Internet-form filing for the filing of any instrument required under this Title.

(2)  Any requirement that an instrument filed under this Title shall be subscribed or acknowledged before a notary public may be dispensed with if the instrument is filed and signed electronically as provided in Paragraph (A)(3) of this Section by a person authorized to sign the instrument.

D.  In-person filing.  Any provision of this Title requiring that an instrument filed under this Title shall be subscribed or acknowledged before a notary public may be dispensed with if the instrument is signed, by the person authorized to sign, in the presence of the employee of the secretary of state receiving the instrument for filing provided the employee verifies the identity of the person signing the instrument.

Acts 1999, No. 342, §5; Acts 2001, No. 1032, §4; Acts 2006, No. 256, §1.

1. A Business License


2. A Sellers Permit


3. A Federal Tax ID Number


4. State Tax ID Number


5. An LLC Agreement

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P.O. Box 14927

Long Beach, CA. 90853


The fundamental reason you form an LLC is for legal protection. In formaing an LLC you create a seperate legal entity from yourself to assume responsibility for the business and its activities. In doing so you insiliate yourself from the legal dificulties of the business as well as direct tax liability.

Simply go online to to determine your prices on a state by state basis, but keep in mind the holistic nature of our pricing system. With a few exception, we pay for all expenses. For example, when filing for an LLC, our $399.99 covers the filing charge, the cost of filing in the necessary publications, and even the writing and editing of your bylaws to your exact satisfaction by our legal department.

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